Weather Notice: Primary Health clinics may close early on Wednesday, July 24th in the case of inclement weather leading to power outages.


Primary Health and the Broadway Bridge Closure

map of the Broadway bridge project, Boise, Primary Health locations open through construction

Patients seeking medical care in Downtown and East Boise should be aware that the Broadway Bridge is now closed for construction and will remain closed until fall 2016.

Primary Health clinics offering urgent care and family doctors are located on either side of the closure, and clinic access is not directly affected. However, we encourage patients to review the map shown here in order to be familiar with the detour routes.

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Orchard Clinic Now Open

Amber Vania, D.O.

Primary Health Medical Group opened its 15th clinic today at Overland and Orchard in Boise, 4971 W. Overland Rd.

The Orchard clinic offers comprehensive health care services including walk-in flu shots and urgent care, occupational health services including physicals, drug screens and worker’s compensation injury care, and family medicine by appointment. Family doctor Amber Vania, D.O., is now accepting new patients; please call 208-472-5050 to make an appointment.

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Garden City Groundbreaking

empty plot of land where the Garden City PHMG Urgent Care clinic will be

The public is invited to celebrate the groundbreaking of Primary Health Medical Group’s 17th location and first Garden City clinic on Tuesday, September 22nd at 10 AM. The event will take place at 5601 Chinden Blvd. in Garden City, between Quilt Expressions and Wendy’s near Fred Meyer.

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Urgent Care Near Boise State University

Welcome to campus!

Students, staff, and faculty in need of urgent medical care will be pleased to know there is a Primary Health clinic less than a mile from Boise State University, with hours that extend beyond those of health services on campus.

Our Broadway Clinic is located at 1907 S. Broadway Ave., open seven days a week from 8 AM – 8 PM.

We accept virtually all insurance plans, including out-of-state plans with major carriers. No appointment is needed for urgent care, where patients receive prompt care for the following types of health concerns:

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Chinden & Linder Groundbreaking Announcement

Primary Health construction hat on top of blueprints for the new Chinden & Linder Urgent Care Clinic

The public is invited to celebrate the groundbreaking of Primary Health Medical Group’s new Chinden & Linder clinic on Tuesday, September 8th,  2015 at 11 AM. The event will take place at 1900 W. Chinden Blvd. in Meridian, near SpurWing Golf Course. Refreshments will be served and a finish board will be on display.

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Swim Safe this Summer

Swimming can be a real treat for kids on a hot summer day. Unfortunately, drowning is a danger even for children who have taken swimming lessons. It's important for your child to receive ongoing education, have an understanding of general water safety, and know what to do if they or a friend go into distress.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, drowning is the second leading cause of unintentional injury and death for children ages 1 to 14 years and the fifth leading cause for people of all ages.

In addition to being life-saving, swimming lessons and water safety can be a confidence booster that creates opportunities for your child to socialize with other children while promoting physical activity.

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Sore Throat vs. Strep Throat

Nobody likes the idea of having their winter activities interrupted by a scratchy or irritated throat. While a sore throat is a common symptom of the cold or flu, it could also be symptomatic of a streptococcus bacteria, or strep throat. This bacteria causes an infection in the throat that is very painful, and typically requires an antibiotic for treatment.

What are the symptoms?

A cold-related sore throat is typically:

  • Accompanied by sneezing or a runny nose
  • Lasts 2-3 days

Strep throat symptoms can include:

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Garden City to Receive First and Only Urgent Care Clinic

Map where Garden City's first Urgent Care Clinic will be

Primary Health Medical Group is pleased to announce plans to open its 17th clinic, which will be located near Fred Meyer in Garden City.

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Orchard Clinic Groundbreaking Announcement

Primary Health construction hat on top of blueprints for the new Orchard Urgent Care Clinic

The public is invited to celebrate the groundbreaking of Primary Health Medical Group’s new Orchard clinic on Wednesday, April 1st at 11 AM. The event will take place at the SE corner of Overland Rd. and Orchard Ave.

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