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Demand for Flu Vaccine Skyrockets During Pandemic

Boise, ID September 21st, 2020 – Primary Health clinics have seen record demand for flu vaccine in recent weeks, as patients seek to protect themselves and their loves ones during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since August, more than 10,000 patients have received their flu shots at Primary Health, a number that exceeds previous years by nearly 50% with no sign of slowing down. David Peterman, M.D., Primary Health CEO, and pediatrician, said, “I tell all my patients to get the flu shot and get it now. I want to vaccinate the kids, the parents, and the grandparents. We can’t just ignore a fever or a cough this year. Any sign of illness will mean dismissal from school or work, getting tested for COVID-19, and potential quarantine for an entire household or classroom while results are pending. 

Primary Health Designates Respiratory Clinics

Primary Health Medical Group has successfully developed “Respiratory Clinics” in Garden City, Meridian and Nampa offering car-side services for patients with COVID-19 symptoms (fever, cough, shortness of breath and/or diarrhea) while keeping them separate from the general patient population and reducing the risk of exposure to health care workers.

Primary Health Welcomes Susan Kim, M.D.

Susan Kim, M.D.

Primary Health is pleased to announce the addition of Susan Kim, M.D. as the group’s Physician Director of Pediatric Urgent Care, a new role within Primary Health.

Third Annual Bike Drive - September 21st, 2019

Primary Health Medical Group will host the third annual bike drive for Boise Bicycle Project on Saturday, September 21st from 10 am – 2 pm. The public is invited to drop off their unneeded bikes during this time at any Primary Health location in Boise, Meridian, Garden City, Eagle, Nampa and Caldwell. Bicycles should be somewhat clean and in working order, but flat tires are okay.

Three New Clinics for Primary Health

Primary Health Medical Group has announced plans to open three new clinics; two in Boise and one in Kuna, in 2020 and 2021. All three clinics will offer walk-in urgent care and family medicine by appointment, each with 11 exam rooms, an x-ray suite, trauma room, lab and procedure room in about 6,300 square feet.

Create a Summer Reading Program at Home

by Angela Beauchaine, M.D. Summer vacation has just started but before we know it August will be here and school will be starting again. One of the best ways to keep your child’s reading skills up is to plan a summer reading program. Even just three times a week will make a significant difference.
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